Bear's-Eye View

Bear's-Eye View is a chronicle of students' engagement with the vibrant humanities culture at the Townsend Center and across the Berkeley campus. Each semester our undergraduate humanities writers soak up the wealth of humanities programs and events, and write about what they've learned.

In an era of rising economic inequality, public responsiveness to redistributive policies remains surprisingly stagnant. 

The Student Learning Center Writing Program hosts conversations with faculty on writing as a form of art.

Stephen Best questions convention and proposes new approaches to engaging blackness.

Education and prison — two institutions often seen as irrevocably separate — are at once divided and bridged by narrative.

The authors and editors behind Looking for Law in All the Wrong Places discuss what happens when law and the humanities intersect in surprising places.

The Book as Place exhibit combines words, space, and three dimensional objects to present new perspectives on what it means to be a book.