The Summer Writing Institute is not taking place in 2024. For writing pedagogy training, please consider our online workshop, Designing a Writing-Based Course, which is offered in Summer 2024.
The Daniel E. Koshland, Jr. Art of Teaching Writing Fellowship is a grant designed to provide graduate students teaching Reading and Composition courses in 2023-24 the opportunity to improve existing and develop new pedagogical skills and practices. Twelve students each receive a $2000 stipend to participate in the Summer Writing Institute, led by Joseph Harris, a leading scholar in composition studies.
The 2023 Summer Writing Institute meets in person from Monday, May 22, through Friday, May 26 (9 am to 5 pm). Participants should also plan to do an hour or two of reading and writing each evening.
During the Fall 2023 semester, Koshland Fellows are required to attend monthly meetings and to post occasional comments to the Art of Teaching Writing blog. The semester concludes with a special seminar in December at which students discuss their teaching experiences and reflect on ways to improve the teaching of writing on the Berkeley campus.
The Summer Writing Institute is led by Joseph Harris, who directed the composition program at the University of Delaware for many years. Professor Harris has written or edited four books on teaching writing, including Rewriting: How to Do Things with Texts, and A Teaching Subject: Composition Since 1966. He has also edited CCC, the leading journal in writing studies, and the Studies in Writing and Rhetoric book series. Before arriving at Delaware, he directed the writing programs at the University of Pittsburgh and Duke University.
Please note that Art of Writing also has an online Reading and Composition pedagogy workshop, held June 5-23, 2023, which is more focused on designing R&C courses. The application form is the same as that for the Summer Writing Institute.
UC Berkeley graduate students who have taught at least 1 semester but not more than 6 semesters of Reading and Composition (R1A, R1B, R5A, R5B). Applicants should plan to teach R&C in 2023-24. Students who fully expect to be assigned an R&C course but whose department has not yet assigned R&C courses may apply, but will not be eligible to receive the award if not assigned a 2023-24 R&C course.
Each fellow receives a $2000 stipend to participate in the Summer Writing Institute, led by Joseph Harris, a leading scholar in composition studies.