The Townsend Fellowships program supports the research of library and museum professionals at UC Berkeley. Fellows join the Townsend Fellows group every Tuesday from 12-2 pm to discuss work in progress. The Townsend Fellows group includes junior and senior faculty as well as advanced graduate students.
The purpose of the Fellowship is to further the research of the individual recipients and to promote interdepartmental exchange: i.e., to enable library and museum professionals, faculty, and graduate students within the humanities to meet and work with their colleagues in other departments. However, applicants' scholarly projects need not be "interdisciplinary" by definition. Awards are based on the scholarly merit of the individual applications. The selection committee will also take into consideration the research project's potential interest to scholars in different fields of the humanities and the likelihood of the applicant’s contribution to interdisciplinary discussion.
All full-time library and museum professionals at UC Berkeley whose research and experience significantly involves humanistic material or problems that have a significant bearing on the humanities are eligible to apply. Graduate students employed at UC Berkeley libraries or museums are not eligible but may apply through the Townsend Dissertation Fellowship.
The award of a Townsend Fellowship carries with it the understanding that the recipient will attend the weekly meetings of the Fellowship group and participate actively as a member.
Library and Museum Fellows receive a $3000 research allowance that may be used for such things as books, professional travel, computer equipment, or any other approved research expense.