Animation/Reanimation Conference
This one-day conference will explore reports of near-death experiences as well as fictions of after-death journeys from the perspectives of psychoanalysis, philosophy, anthropology, and film. From Plato’s myth of Er to Foucault’s “death of the author;” from Freudian concepts of repression and foreclosure to contemporary “post-mortem” cinema; from PTSD, trauma, and coma to diverse aesthetic practices, we aim to analyze the current state of the border between the living and the non-living.
10:30 am Catherine Malabou (Philosophy, Kingston University, UK),
Orpheus’ Gaze and The Thought From Outside (Foucalt, Blanchot and us)
11:15 am Stefania Pandolfo (Anthropology, UC Berkeley),
Irréaliser: Lacan, Blanchot, Quranic Healing, and the Ethics of Psychoanalysis
12:00 pm Adrian Johnston (Philosophy, University of New Mexico),
Night of the Dead Living: Fantasy, Identity, and Subjectivity in Lacanian Psychoanalysis
1:00 pm Break
2:30 pm Érik Bullot (Film, École nationale supérieure d’art de Bourges),
Truly Alive: Animation, Puppets, and Ventriloquism
3:15 pm Arne de Boever (American Studies, California Institute of the Arts),
Reanimating the Novel: J.M. Coetzee’s Slow Man
4:00 pm Olivia Harrison (French and Italian, University of Southern California),
Jean Genet’s Palestinian Death
4:45 pm General Discussion
This event is free and open to the public.
Presented by the Anthropology Department and The Townsend Center for the Humanities.
Malabou will also offer a public Una's lecture on April 14, 2014, titled Odysseus' Changed Soul.