"Baseball, Boxing, and the Charisma of Sport and Race"
Discussants: Avenali Lecturer Gerald Early, Loic Wacquant (Sociology), and Eric Solomon (San Francisco State University)
Panel Discussants: Gerald Early, Clayborne Carson (Director, Martin Luther King, Jr., Research and Education Institute, Stanford University) and Robert Middlekauff (History)
Gerald Early, African American Studies, Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri
Gerald Early is Professor of English and African-American Studies at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. A noted essayist and American culture critic, Early is the author of several books, including The Culture of Bruising: Essays on Prizefighting, Literature, and Modern American Culture, which won the 1994 National Book Critics Circle Award for criticism.
Panel Discussants: Maurice Sendak, Stephen Greenblatt (English) and Wye Allanbrook (Music)
"Illustrating Ambiguity: Melville's 'Pierre'"
Discussants: Maurice Sendak, Samuel Otter (English), and Michael Rogin (Political Science)
“They Know Everything: Children and Suffering”
Discussants: Maurice Sendak, Ravenna Helson (Psychology), and Herbert Schreier (Chair., Dept. of Psychiatry, Children's Hospital, Oakland)
Maurice Sendak is the author and illustrator of several noteworthy children’s books including In the Night Kitchen; Where the Wild Things Are; Outside Over There; and We’re All Down in the Dumps with Jack and Guy.
Panel Discussants: Sivliano Santiago, João Alimo (Brazilian Consul; Novelist; Lecturer, Spanish & Portuguese), Julio Ramos (Spanish & Portuguese)
“Brazil and the Vanguard: Modernism and Marxism, 1920-1940”
Silviano Santiago, Novelist & Critic
Essayist, poet, novelist, theorist and critic, Silviano Santiago is one of the leading Brazilian modernists focusing on concepts of “inbetweenness” and “hybridity.”