Past Events

| 460 Stephens Hall

Panel Discussants: Michael Fried, T.J. Clark (History of Art) and Richard Wollheim (Philosophy)

Michael Fried, Humanities and Art History, Johns Hopkins University

“Some Thoughts on Caravaggio”
Una's Lecture
| Alumni House

Art historian, art critic and literary critic, Michael Fried is J.R. Herbert Boone Professor of Humanities and Art History at Johns Hopkins University. In his work, Fried engages questions of modernism, realism, theatricality, objecthood, self-portraiture, embodiedness, and the everyday. He has also written histories of modern art, focusing on Edouard Manet, Gustave Courbet, and Adolph Menzel.

| 112 Wurster Hall

Panel Discussants: Maya Lin, Thomas Laqueur (History), Andrew Barshay (History), Stephen Greenblatt (English), and Stanley Saitowitz (Architecture)

Maya Lin, Sculptor & Architect

Avenali Lecture
| Wheeler Auditorium

While an undergraduate in Architecture at Yale University, sculptor and architect Maya Lin won the competition to design and build the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C.

Andrei Pleşu, Philosopher & Essayist

"Intellectual Life Under Dictatorship"
Una's Lecture
| Alumni House

Andrei Pleşu is professor of art history, philosophy and religion at the University of Bucharest.


Panel Discussants: Kwame Anthony Appiah, Jorge Klor de Alva (Ethnic Studies), David Hollinger (History) and Angela Harris (Boalt Hall School of Law).

Kwame Anthony Appiah, Philosopher, Cultural Theorist, & Novelist

“Identity Against Culture: Understandings of Multiculturalism”
Avenali Lecture
| Alumni House

Kwame Anthony Appiah is a Ghanaian philosopher, cultural theorist, and novelist. His scholarship addresses political and moral theory, African intellectual history, and philosophical questions of culture and identity.