Berkeley Book Chats

The Townsend Center presents a lunchtime series celebrating the intellectual and artistic endeavors of the UC Berkeley faculty. Each Berkeley Book Chat features a faculty member engaged in conversation about a recently completed publication, performance, or recording. The series highlights the extraordinary breadth and depth of Berkeley’s academic community.

The Tomb of the Divers

Francine Masiello
Berkeley Book Chats
| Geballe Room, 220 Stephens Hall

Francine Masiello's debut novel, written with pleasure and wit, weaves a multigenerational tale of small-time artists and crooks who, over the course of a century, wend their way from southern Italy to Paterson, New Jersey.

On the Colors of Vowels: Thinking Through Synesthesia

Liesl Yamaguchi
Berkeley Book Chats
| Geballe Room, 220 Stephens Hall

Exploring the ways in which visual conceptions of vowels have inflected the arts and sciences of modernity, Liesl Yamaguchi asks how discourses of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries crafted the enigma we now readily recognize as “synesthesia.”

| Geballe Room, 220 Stephens Hall

In The Entanglement, Alva Noë explores the inseparability of life, art, and philosophy, arguing that we have greatly underestimated what this entangled reality means for understanding human nature.

Past Events

The Novel and the New Ethics

Dorothy Hale
Berkeley Book Chats
| Online

A generation of contemporary Anglo-American novelists has championed the ethical value of literature. Dorothy Hale explores the modernist roots of this “new” emphasis on the novel’s ethical significance.

Archive Feelings: A Theory of Greek Tragedy

Mario Telò
Berkeley Book Chats
| Online

Bringing an innovative synthesis of postmodern theories to bear on his reading of ancient Greek tragedy, Mario Telò offers a new way of understanding tragic aesthetics.

Midnight la Frontera

Ken Light
Berkeley Book Chats
| Online

Documentary photographer Ken Light and author José Ángel Navejas discuss their book, which features photographs of US border patrol agents on their nighttime shifts on the Mexican border in the 1980s.

The Trouble with Literature

Victoria Kahn
Berkeley Book Chats
| Online

Victoria Kahn argues that the literature of the English Reformation (written during the fraught years of the late 16th and 17th centuries) marks a turning point in Western thinking about literature and literariness.

In the Matter of Nat Turner: A Speculative History

Christopher Tomlins
Berkeley Book Chats
| Online

Christopher Tomlins offers a new interpretation of Nat Turner and the slave rebellion that stunned the American South.

Human Forms: The Novel in the Age of Evolution

Ian Duncan
Berkeley Book Chats
| Online

Ian Duncan offers a major rethinking of the European novel and its relationship to early evolutionary science.

Loving Writing / Ovid’s Amores

Ellen Oliensis
Berkeley Book Chats
| Online

Ellen Oliensis offers a fresh approach to the Amores emphasizing the masochistic pleasures of the elegiac writing project.

James Joyce and the Matter of Paris

Catherine Flynn
Berkeley Book Chats
| Geballe Room, 220 Stephens Hall

Catherine Flynn explores the ways in which James Joyce's imaginative consciousness was shaped by the paradigmatic city of European urban modernity.

The Beadworkers: Stories

Beth Piatote
Berkeley Book Chats
| Geballe Room, 220 Stephens Hall

Beth Piatote’s debut short story collection is a reflection on modern Native American life.

Pindar, Song, and Space: Towards a Lyric Archaeology

Leslie Kurke and Richard Neer
Berkeley Book Chats
| Geballe Room, 220 Stephens Hall

In their study of the poet Pindar of Thebes, coauthors Leslie Kurke and Richard Neer develop a new methodological approach to classical Greece.